Sunday, April 22, 2012

[inspiration: six flags]

just got here.
six flags looked the same
four years ago.
mae and Kailee posing for a quick pic.
(mae trying to figure out where
all the sounds/screaming are coming from)

in gospel term,
many are anxiously engaged
in a good cause,
but Mae is anxiously waiting 
for the tiger show to start

don't let this photo fool you,
they argue often

three sisters having fun
while waiting for train ride

mae had to sit on her own
according to the rule...
got caught being brave

um, excuse me folks
please make some room for me
(while waiting for the shouka show,
mae only tried to squeezed through in between someone,
tapped the lady in white few times on the back,
pushed this boy really hard on the back,
and played peekaboo several times with his mom)

wow daddy,
look how high that whale can jump

highlight of my six flags trip
(including the front row medusa ride, the clapping walrus, 
and a quick stop at the j. crew outlet)

they purposely tossed their animals on the ground
and then tried to comfort them after
by saying, 'sssh sssh ssssh'

it was unbelievablely hot yesterday.
as we were leaving was the perfect
time to arrive to the park.
long, fun day.
so pooped.

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