Sunday, May 22, 2011

{inspiration: goodbye*farewell}

today is Lisa's (my sister in-law) birthday (33 and fabulous!).
it's funny because when it comes to birthday and age, i always remember the time when my high school friends and i bought a cake for our English teacher for his birthday and the writing on the cake says "over the hills-too old to count". i believe he chased after us with a fake knife.

the famous Chinese chicken salad
(yum! so good Liz! thanks!)

shrimp rolls...just for Lis.

meet Mr. Diep

last cousin pics (and their hot moms?)
maybe we'll do an 'after' photo
when Eli makes his awesome returns.

cherishing each moment
in every part of my life.
goodbye* farewell habitat fisher.
someday...we'll meet again.

Quinny standing on her own!
(aahem! with Mae's help)
so cute!!!

Mae can't walk yet
(let alone standing on her own),
but she loves trying!


The Bjurstrom Family said...

Love the pics! It's sad knowing that Cam and Nicole are moving. BTW you made me hungry:)

The Fishers said...

Love all the pictures!!! BTW, it was your birthday celebration too!!!
The egg rolls were the bomb and Q looks like a giant compare to those other two babies!!!